Thursday, May 9, 2019

You deserve recovery

Found on Facebook..

YOUR Mental Illness/Negative tape/PTSD/CPTSD/Abuser IS LYING TO YOU:
- you are not stupid
- you are not ugly
- you are not worthless
- you are not weak
- you are not a burden
- you are not crazy
- you are not a freak
- you are not alone
- you are worthy of recovery

Every struggle is made a little harder with the mental dumping my brain does to me.  If I treated my friends how I treated myself, I would have no friends.  No one likes being called stupid, but if I make the smallest mistake I call myself stupid.  Plastic surgery is a multibillion business because people believe they are ugly.  Feelings of worthlessness push a person a little closer to the abyss of suicide.  Feeling weak keeps up us from seeing our strengths.  Feeling like I was a burden kept me from seeking help.  Crazy, I've owned this one but my counselor disagreed; he explained I adjusted to the craziness I was raised in.  Online I found so many others like me, freak is just a word people throw around when you are different than they are and they are afraid of those differences.  Online I learned how much I am not alone.  I also believe that Christ was alone so I don't have to be.  Recovery is an on going process and I am worth the battle.  

Bringing my 10,000 puzzle pieces to counseling to straighten them out.  

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