Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Fire your mean boss

 I can't tell you how shocked I was when my counselor told me to fire my mean boss.  I was also confused.  How could I fire my boss?  At the time, I did have a mean boss at work.  I expressed my confusion.  

He carried on, "You know the boss that expect you to be early to work and stay late.  The boss that expects you do to do more than any one else.  The boss that makes you go in on weekends and other times when you could be home...." Took a while for me to finally realize the mean boss he referred to was me.  I was my own mean boss.  I was my harshest critic and put myself down more than anyone else.  

I am not alone with this challenge of needing to fire my mean boss.  Dove sponsored a project that they shared in this video.  

(545) Dove Real Beauty Sketches | You’re more beautiful than you think (6mins) - YouTube

I agree with their conclusion you are more beautiful than you think.  I also believe most of us are doing better than we think we are.  You are better than what that inner critic keeps telling you.  Learning to fire my mean boss and become my own best friend, which is much harder than I thought it would be.  

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