Sunday, November 18, 2018

So It Begins....

I am a mixture of Elf and the doom and gloom of So it begins.....

I love the holidays but overwhelmed by expectations real and imagined.  I am ace at making myself miserable do to what I think I should do verses what I can actually do. 

I post every year about how to cope with the holidays and every year I struggle to get through them. 

Here are a few that might be helpful to you:

I learned a few things about myself.  I put the most pressure on me.  I can say No to others that want to add 'chores' that are not of my choosing.  Just because I changed doesn't mean anyone else did.  Accept them where they are at or put distance between us.  A break in the middle of a busy event is helpful.  Playing with grandkids is a great break time for me.  Most importantly plan ahead, have an exit plan, say NO and mean it, reduce other activities.  Choose fun things to do.  For me, if I center my joy in Christ, the rest is just extra to be enjoyed as I wish. 

Pep talk over... I think it is more for me than it is for you.  Events started happening for me in October and are not letting up or slowing down until February.  I can do this a bit at a time. 

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