Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Took a long break

What did I learn?  I felt I was neglecting my responsibility to share what I know.  I fought long and hard and learned a few things that I think are helpful to others.  I miss sharing my progress.  (Very narcissistic of me.)  But the deal is, I don't know everything.  Sharing then others add their two bits or what they learn and I grow from the experience.  I felt like I was spinning my wheels but I actually made some awesome progress. 

At my job, I watched it morph over the last few years until I didn't feel like I was doing my job any more.  This has happened in other jobs I had.  The jobs morphed so much I would never apply for what they were having me do later.  The catch, each semester I sign a document saying I am doing my original job.  Kind of tough when people higher up try to change things without the OK of those overseeing the funding.  I made an appointment.  Appropriately shared my concerns then let them come up with a solution.  I pointed out that the wrestling match going on was way above my pay grade.  I learned today that they are going to have me going back to what I was hired to do.  I am so impressed it worked. 

This week I took a class on using circle discussions for a group.  It is fairly formal but I was astounded at what we ended up sharing.  Let me rephrase that, I was astounded at what I ended up sharing.  I opened up to a group of people that normally they are doing good if I say hi to them.  The whole peopling thing can be exhausting for me.  I was impressed.  I believe this would be a great way to discuss issues in families, classroom or work places.  I don't believe it would be easy but I do think it would be worth it to open channels of communication over time.  It is not a once and done project. A bit formal but with healthy boundaries and creating a feeling of safety sharing becomes fairly open. 

How are you all doing?  Baby steps and cha-cha's both make progress.  Falling flat on our face moves you forward too.  Hugs and cheers and glad to be back. 

   Inching along

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