Thursday, December 31, 2015

Progress Not Perfection taught me this line over and over.  My friend assured me that she did not originate the line it is also used in AA meetings.  After years of attempting and failing to clean my space, I am working on it again but I changed my thought processes.  I am not cleaning the room, I am rearranging my space to make it more useful to me.  Made more progress in two days than I have done in two years.  I'm actually excited about working on the space.  I am using Flylady's method of three for put away some place else, throw away and give away.  The stipulation that anything I give away must bless the person I give it to otherwise throw it away.

I read this YEARS ago.  Sadly it also set off major triggers as in melt down triggers.  I learned the source process the information and still struggled.  I was very disappointed in myself.  Then I worked in an environment that encouraged me to declutter and clean up on a regular basis.  Learning by example does much better than scolding, punishing and shaming.  I am a work in progress.  I decided not to take before pictures.  I don't need to remind myself how far I have come.  I know it.  I am also spending time with family and friends during my break.  I'm loving it. 

Clutter to me, home to the spider. 

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