Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Body Slammed and still standing

One of the toughest things about starting counseling is stopping it.  Counseling is where I learned so many things but like graduation, what to do when it is over. I wondered how I was going to function on my own if things got tough.  My life has been tough the last few weeks.  I was talking with my friend today and she agreed with me that I missed several days blogging.  She talked with me and reassured me.  Last week of school is always stressful and my DH decided now was a great time to renovate our kitchen.  Last week I broke my tooth and this intensified my search for a dentist that I could work with.  I found an awesome dentist that made the filling a reality without panic attack for me.  Awesome.  Last night I found out my Dad is in the hospital, tomorrow he gets a pace maker.  Tonight I feel body slammed.  For those that read my blog, I would appreciate your prayers and good thoughts with my Dad tomorrow.  I am thankful that my sister is right here with me.  My brothers are also supportive.  I am trying to process all that is happening and trying very hard not to slip into dissociation to cope.  I didn't dissociate at the dentist.  I felt what was going on.  The cool thing was they made suggestions and followed through with ideas to ease my anxiety.  Tonight, my tooth is fixed.  I tagged teamed with my brothers and sister so I spent about half the day at the hospital.  I talked with my Dad.  I was able to feel compassion without resentment.  He still asks me to take care of my mother.  Much easier to do at 56 than at 6.  My parents haven't changed but I have. 


mulderfan said...

Remember your analogy of the oxygen masks on and plane. Putting your needs 1st is not selfish, it's self care.

After years as the family caretaker, it's hard to remember if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be there to help others.

Like wise your mother is responsible for her own self care. Any responsibility you may have had has been repaid many times over in the past. As blogger Vanci would say, "It's not your rock."

Judy said...

I'm so proud of you and grateful for all you're doing. You are awesome!

Ruth said...

Timely reminder mulderfan, I feel like I just shed a ten ton bolder.

Your welcome Judy...we can do this.

Tundra Woman said...

Just saw this-thinking of you, Ruth. One breath at a time...

jessie said...

Thinking of you Ruth and sending prayers and good thoughts.

Evan said...

That's a lot of stuff.

Great that you have found ways to respond.

I do think that there are valid criticisms of therapy if it doesn't prepare people for 'real life'.