Saturday, June 13, 2015

Embrace the suck

I have referred to this from time to time.  This concept is shared on Team Froglogic page.  I was introduced to this web page by my sister, Judy.  She talked about it so enthusiastically I wanted to check it out.  The man intimidates me.   I've watched his videos.  He is dynamic....he is powerful...he lives what he preaches.

Check it out for yourself.

I like what I read every time I go to his website.  However, I sometimes don't go when I am already feeling overwhelmed, challenging myself when I feel like I am already pushed to the max is a recipe for disaster that I have done more than once.  I pass out.  I get in visit to the hospital style.  I pushed to get where I am today.  I pushed through fears and frustrations.  My first counselor was willing to work with me for 7 years because I worked so hard.  I kept tackling each problem until I finally figured out what works for me.  I don't say this to put anyone else down.  I'm just saying it can be done.  I spent 3 years in bed.  It sucks.  I finally decided to fight back.  I've inched along until I am doing 100 times what I used to do.  Which is kind of like saying 100 X 0.01 that brings me up to 1.  Every once in awhile I remind myself that playing catch up is OK.  Eventually, I do catch up.   Part of my journey includes taking on challenges described by Froglogic....Embrace the suck.

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