Monday, June 22, 2015

Restorative Sleep

Hectic, hectic week led to running on adrenaline.  Works for awhile then I finally slow down....nap time.  I slept heavily for several hours.  Now, I feel refreshed.  I am making note of this because it is so unusual.  Usually when I crash and burn, I feel drugged and foggy for hours after waking up.  I'm learning the value of sleeping regularly.  When I get super wound up trying to get too many things done, I realize I need to reorder my life and pay attention to my needs.  Cloud and Townsend reminded me in their book Boundaries, one of the values of boundaries is recognizing my own needs.  I needed to sleep so I did.  Interesting that I hadn't thought about setting boundaries as a way to meet my needs by identifying them and meeting my own needs. 

Check out my picture blog to see what I've been doing lately.

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