Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Child parts

Child parts

This article is fairly similar to my experience living functioning in parts.  I worked hard to integrate all of me back to one whole.  Imperfect whole but still together.  TV makes it sound like the person living this way knows what is happening.  I put myself in the category of last to know.  Friends noticed, children noticed, teachers notice but didn't understand what the behavior meant.  I was called a liar, weird, manipulator, lazy, and all sorts of other things.  For me, life as one of the other parts was a black out to me.  I describe the sensation that I would go to sleep on Monday, wake up on Wednesday and wondered what the hell happened on Tuesday and why I am in trouble for what ever happened.  I was confused, frightened, and questioned my sanity.  Some day I will give a speech that starts out, "Every teenager believes their mother is crazy.  My children have documentation."  Functioning in parts in a dissociative system is a powerful yet complex survival tactic.  I lived through hell this way.  Living day to day is difficult in parts.  Not impossible but difficult.  As my counselor and I discussed my options.  I believed that I wasn't born a multiple, it was learned.  I decided we all came together.  I wanted all of me together.  I originally wanted all the memories too but decided fuzzy was good after a couple of humdinger flash backs.  I know enough to know I wasn't lying but not so much that I can't live with my past.  I wish I could say it stays buried.  It doesn't.  A smell, a sound, a phrase can bring everything crashing down on top of me.  I'm thankful for KavinCoach assisting me as I untangled my gordian knot.  I made the choice not to cut through the knot but to persistently untangle each line until my heart felt whole.  I like Walt Disney's quote, "It is kind of fun to do the impossible."  Integration is not for everyone.  I recommend it but totally understand the complexity of letting go of a powerful coping skill.  I occasionally miss the chatter in my head of myselves talking to each other.  I embrace the joy of peaceful silence with in from time to time.

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