Friday, September 3, 2010

Day by Day

Sometimes I had someone that would try to encourage me by saying, "Just live one day at a time." 
I joked, "If I tried to do that, I would have committed suicide a long time ago."

Dark depression is often, but not always, combined with suicidal thoughts.  I tried a variety of methods to keep these death thoughts under control.  I broke time down into increments of 5 minutes.  I could do anything 5 minutes at a time.  I had to have a root canal and sure enough 5 minutes at a time worked for that too.  I redirected my thoughts to things outside myself.  I thought about how I need to get the grocery shopping done.  I needed to weed the garden.  This didn't always work.  Sometimes thinking about what I needed to do made things worse.  I would often think about my children.  What would happen to them if I wasn't there or they found me?  Sometimes this would help.  Strangely a powerful deterrent was thinking about the pedophile from my childhood and the fact he told me I was so worthless, I should die.  If I committed suicide I would be doing what my abuser wanted me to do.  I could not let him win.  The most powerful deterrent was my faith in Christ.  I believed that I after I die, I will see my Savior.  How could I explain to Him that life was too hard?  I could not say that He did not know how I felt.  He had been betrayed by his friend, accused unfairly, ridiculed, tortured and finally crucified.  On top of all of this the night before He had taken upon Himself the sins of the world.  How would I explain to Him I couldn't keep living?  He descended below us all.  My faith in Christ helped me to stay alive long enough to give life a chance.  As I become emotionally healthier I am better able to recognize that suicidal thoughts are unhealthy and set them aside.  I will be delighted when I stop having them completely.  In the mean time, I can do anything for 5 minutes. 


Anonymous said...

Ruth: Thank you for this profoundly accurate and moving description of my own experience with severe depression. Astonishingly similar to how I got through,and still battle through,the dark grittier part of my life.

I,too,would not have "made it" without Jesus as my Savior:). My Bible and Christian music are so comforting and encouraging. I love the song "Because He Lives I can Face Tomorrow". I don't recall who wrote it. Maybe you've heard it? Stunning truthful lyrics put to beautiful music. I'm going to look it up in my hymnal.

Ruth said...

I found the lyrics to a song by that title. I hope I found the right one:

This is a version on you-tube:

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine said...I'm the anon who posted the above comment. Thanks for finding all this for me:) I listened to the song on the youtube link with my DH's great speakers plugged into my laptop. Wow! Beautiful!

Ruth said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the song. Thank Jasmine for letting you know. Have a great day.