Monday, April 11, 2011


I was typing a comment and my fingers fumbled on the word enjoy.  Then I looked it and decided this is great... Enjoy without Ns.  Typos can be so fun.


Anonymous said...

I like that too!

Anonymous said...

How coincidentally amusing!

I came across your blog as one of the commentors on Upsi's You Don't Have To Dance For them.

I'm intrigued at your story of recovery and thriving when you have almost no memory of childhood. Intrigued I am since my memories are probably fantasy themselves.

Thanks for your input and I'll be parusing your blog!


Ruth said...

Welcome MM. I now have more memories. Some are good, some are not. If you ever have a question about one of my posts you can leave a comment with the request that I don't post your question or comment. I used to have my email on here but unfortunately someone used it for spam. Keep going on your journey. upsi and others are interested in you finding peace.