Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another type of fire....

Yesterday I wrote how to use anger to fuel a change in your life. 

I am not going to do that again...

I had enough...

No More, they will not do that to me again...

Are all 'start your engine' type of moments. 

Tonight I was reminded of another type of fire.  I spent my evening at Zumba followed up by stretch it real good exercise classes.  Afterwards I grabbed a bite to eat, then picked up my DIL and took her to an hour of night photography.  We had a blast.  It was so fun showing a willing student the ins and outs of how to take photographs at night.  Twelve years ago photography became a hobby that changed my major at college to a Bachelor of Fine Arts ~ Photography.  I love photography.  I love sharing how to take photographs.  A burning passion for photography burns brightly in my soul.  This is the picture that I depict this type of fire. 

One of the gifts of counseling was unleashing the passion for creating beautiful pictures.  The really amazing pictures I created came from the places in my soul that I buried as a child.  I thank my counselors for helping me to release the emotions that bring out the this kind of fire. 


Ellen said...

That is an amazing photo Ruth.

Good to hear about the creativity that can come out of releasing emotions.

Ruth said...

I always enjoyed taking photographs. Counseling help clear out the junk to let the emotions shine through. Photography is intertwined with my counseling. Explains why my book below is half pictures.

Laurel Hawkes said...

I love how clicking on it makes it full screen. Inspiring.

Ruth said...

Thanks. :)