Tuesday, January 29, 2013


"The indispensable first step to getting
the things you want out of life is this:
decide what you want."
- Ben Stein
Click Here For Success Tip # 008

Sometimes I drag my feet, watch tv, play games....I don't want to put into writing this challenge from NewCounselor.  I talked about frustrations that bubbled up to the surface.  One of them is my life-time on going battle with clutter.  It is so tied up and wrapped around my past and feeling like if I get rid of stuff I loose a piece of myself, so many layers of yuck involved.  NewCounselor asked me why I was still letting my mother control my life.  Yes, I was keeping stuff that she would have made me throw it away.  But that is just it, I am keeping stuff to defy my mother and not because I want it or love it or use it.  It is still about her and not about me.  I listened very carefully to his challenge....make anything about my mother a non-issue.  If I keep something it is about me wanting to keep it.  If I throw it away it is about me no longer needing or wanting something.  I actually got rid of some stuff that has hung around unused for almost 20 years.  I don't see NewCounselor for a month so I will be interested in how much more progress I will make.  I have one room in my house that is reminiscent of a hoarder's house.  My challenge can I tackle this room without nausea, lightheaded, shaking, you know all the normal PTSD reactions that set in when I try to tackle mounds of stuff.  Right now I am visualizing clean.  True it is still not done but the image in my head is so appealing.  I worked a long time in reclaiming my life.  Now, I am taking steps into thriving, my past is a non-issue.  I am living here and now.  I want a space where I can work on sewing, jewelry making, projects, painting, a place of peace.  I can't create that peace in turmoil of clutter.  My mother's obsession of eliminating everyone else's clutter no longer needs to control me.  It won't be an easy habit to break.  I do not have to have things perfect.  I set the standard of what is enough.  Bit by bit I can do this. 


Janet said...

This is hard to do, without this issues tied up in it! So proud of you!

Ellen said...

You go Ruth! It sounds like it could be a lovely space for you when you've done.