Friday, June 7, 2013

No use proving myself

Sometimes we feel compelled to prove something to other people: we want them to see how smart, talented, capable, successful or cool we are. But let's think about this for a minute. In reality, people who are able to see us for who we are don't need anything proven to them, & those who are incapable of seeing us for who we are won't respond to our attempts at proving anything to them. So, trying to prove something to someone is, in fact, a waste of time & energy. On top of this & perhaps even more important, when we need to prove things to others, we're giving away our power. We're allowing other people to have the say in whether we're OK or not. This is a bad choice. We don't need to give other people the power to increase or decrease our sense of self-worth. How we see ourselves shouldn't depend on what other people think. When we give up needing to prove things to others, we're taking back our power so that our self-worth depends not on other people's opinions of us but on our own love & compassion toward ourselves.
I'm having a great summer playing with grandkids, going to the movies, (I had no idea Transylvania Hotel was so funny) and just keeping much busier than I thought I would be. Sharing this bit from Ruthless Compassion. If you don't have Facebook, you can visit her webpage at

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