Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm tired....bone weary tired and struggle with going to sleep, then struggle all day with staying awake.  I saw a meme on facebook by Huffpost.....

You know that awesome feeling when you get into bed, fall right to sleep, stay asleep all night and wake up refreshed?  Neither do I.  

 Years ago I went in for a sleep study.  Yes, I have sleep apnea.  The questionnaire asked when the last time I remember waking up feeling rested and refreshed..... I couldn't remember a time.  Even when I was a kid we were woken up early in the morning to do chores before going to school.  I had nightmares as long as I have memories.  Sleeping just sucks some times.  But I have to sleep eventually.  I don't hold much hope for that rested thing.  Good night. 

1 comment:

Judy said...

I'm finding a touch of frankincense and myrrh on the end of my nose helps me relax and calm. A thought.