Friday, May 20, 2011

Why not?

You see things; and you say: "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say: "Why not?"
George Bernard Shaw

Kennedy used it.
Most involved explanation:
 I actually heard Bobby Kennedy give one of his speeches when he was campaigning for president. 

Stumbled on to Why Not quotes... interesting site.

Inspiration Speak more quotes about dreams.

This quote has tossed around in my mind for years.  One of the tragedies of abuse is when a child looses their dreams and all they have left is the terrified, "Why?"  That even if it was answered leads no where.  The hardest thing I had to accept as counseling progressed was that "Why?" things happened - I was born a girl in a home that the parents only wanted boys.  I lived in a neighborhood with a pedophile that enjoyed torturing children.  I existed in an era when child abuse only happened in the bad parts of town.  "Good neighborhoods" didn't have 'those' kind of problems.  Symptoms of many unexplained bruises was chalked up to childhood rowdiness.  The overall belief that you have 'good parents' you are so lucky.  No one wondered why when asked I told them I would trade sight unseen.  The illusions, lies, intimidation, 'teasing', twisted and distorted my world until I chose to create my own way of functioning.  Unique, complicated, yet effective in surviving some of the worst that can happen to a child.  I am waking up to find out that it is possible to have a dream.  I am waking up to the possibility that my dreams are possible.  I am waking up that I am not just tilting at windmills.  I am waking up to the possibilities of being truly alive.  "Why not?"


mulderfan said...

I have the Japanese symbol for dream tattooed on my forearm. When people ask why, I tell them if you don't have a dream you don't have anything.

Ruth said...

Brilliant. A constant reminder. :)


This is so profound & heartfelt Ruth keep dreaming & never stop..I am so sorry for what you have been through ♥ x000x

Ruth said...

Thank you.