Friday, November 22, 2013

My worth

A friend on Facebook posted this reminder:

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your WORTH 

 I stretched myself to the max these past few weeks. The holidays are upon us and I accepted a new responsibility that is stretching me to the max.  This week I missed 2 days of exercising.  Work is hitting frenzy with the multiple teachers tugging at my time.  Something gave today.  I didn't finish a task.  It impacted someone else.  Instead of sinking into despair and turning on myself, I thought about all the other things I was asked to do instead.  There were several other projects that demanded my attention and I misunderstood when the task needed to be done.  I am partially deaf and wear hearing aides.  Occasionally, (read that as more often than I like) I get only part of the message.  I also didn't write down the specifics and clarify the information in writing.  I caught myself awfulizing and making quantum leaps from I made a mistake to I am a terrible and irresponsible person.  I made a mistake full stop.  With people tugging at my time, I need to have a visual list instead of just a mental one so that when they throw me a new demand I can ask them to look over the list and decide where it goes in the priority.  I worked out tonight and feel so much better than I have felt in days.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I like that idea of having the list and asking where the priority fits. I'm making one of those, today.