Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sabbath day

Today is my sabbath day.  I spend time at church.  I spend time with family.  I spend time pondering my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  I review how well I am following the footsteps of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  Sometimes I sleep.  Yup.  Resting on Sunday is catch up time.  At one point in my life I worked every Saturday, so that I could attend church on Sunday.  I had a co-worker that wanted Saturday off for her Jewish Sabbath.  We traded.  I worked all her Saturdays and she worked all my Sundays.  We both knew that a day to reset our minds and be right with the Lord was needed.  The world is busy all the time.  Time to reflect is frowned up as wasting time.  Time to serve as seen as silly and old fashion.  What I learned over the years that I needed to decide for myself how the Sabbath needed to be spent.  When used wisely it works as a reset button.  Ready to face another week.  Ignored and I feel like the week is endless.  One of the things that I value is time to remember that my worries are not the center of my universe.  Centering my life in Christ doesn't change my problems, it changes my perspective about my problems.  It makes a difference for me. 

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