If you can't see the bright side, polish the dull side.
Did they consider that they needed to abandon the situation since there was no bright side? Did they consider that their expectations were off? Did they consider that maybe the beauty is in the dull side? I wonder how many times I tried to change a bad situation into a good one, when I really was looking at the situation all wrong. I had one situation that after many years, and no matter how hard I tried, I can not change the behavior of someone else. On the other hand, a different person, in a different situation gave me a true apology and I didn't know how to behave. The other person brightened up a situation that I was really discouraged and couldn't see a bright side. I am learning that a statement like this works sometimes.
You're right, we can't change others but are told we can change our reaction to their behaviour. But, if it's abusive behaviour, I'm wondering why we're expected to tolerate it at all when as an adult we can just walk away.
According to KavinCoach, I don't know for myself, he gave me an example of not walking away and not tolerating abusive behavior. I was disappointed when he moved away before he could teach me how to do that. His example had to do with his self confidence and that treating him badly was not OK. I always thought the only choices were tolerate or walk away. I am fascinated that there is a choice C. I'm voting for C.
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