Saturday, March 30, 2013

While others sleep

"The heights by great men reached and
kept, were not attained by sudden
flight, but they, while their companions
slept, were toiling upward in the night."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Click Here For Success Tip # 039

The Cliff Young in Australia kept running through the night during a long race 5 day race.  His appearance at the starting line was ridiculed and laughed at.  The crowd was cheering him when he finished first.  This link shares this man's history better than I can:

I am fascinated by this man honed by hard work and bursting on the running field with his own shuffle that conserved energy while he ran for miles and miles and kilometers and kilometers...he ran while his competitors slept.  

Insomnia keeps me up at night.  For a long time, I didn't understand my own behavior.  Counseling helped me to explore the story behind my behavior.  KavinCoach opened the door for me to share what I thought.  I tried to explain that I didn't want to stay up.  I was up because I didn't want to sleep more.  In my dreams, my mind unleashed horrific nightmares.  If I kept myself sleep deprived, I had fewer dreams.  Fewer dreams meant fewer nightmares. I can stay up for days like Cliff Young.  I don't run races but at night is when I work on my photography, blog, Facebook, read, play games...I am working at sleeping more.  I actually get 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night.  I now use the number of hours I am sleeping as a barometer of how I am doing.  High anxiety means few hours of sleep.  I am working towards more hours sleeping.  I studied sleep deprivation.  I learned that they stopped the experiments where my life began.  The doctors and scientists would not allow the subjects of the sleep study get too sleep deprived because it has a huge negative impact on quality of life.  Get sleep deprived enough and I go into a twilight living that is neither awake or sleeping.  I think I am writing all about sleeping because I am so freaking tired but after 5 hours of sleep I wake up before my alarm goes off.  Sleeping in is rare.  When I actually do sleep in I feel more relaxed for about 5 minutes then terribly guilty for not being awake.  Work in progress, progress not perfection, Good night.....



mulderfan said...

I've always had horrific nightmares and used to have a wonderful cat that woke me up when I cried out. My husband slept through my cries for help, or maybe I only dreamed them, but the cat always knew I needed to be poked awake.

As I pulled away from my from my NFOO the nightmares got fewer until now that I am full NC, they seldom happen. I'm guessing the pattern is a strong message from my subconscious!

Judy said...

Have you also considered how sleep is maligned? How often have you heard: If you want to accomplish more, get up 15 minutes earlier. NM bragged about how much she accomplished and using time more efficiently. We weren't allowed to take naps so we would go to sleep at night. We were sleep deprived from early childhood. It's difficult to unlearn a habit so ingrained, but it is possible.

Impossible = I'm possible.