Saturday, October 26, 2013

Let go of the Past

Letting Go of the Past

Dear Past,

Thank you for all that you have helped me learn and discover about myself and the world around me.

Thank you for teaching me to be kind with the unkind and for teaching me how to let go of judgements and always look beyond appearances;

Thank you for teaching me to forgive and forget not only those who have hurt me but also myself.

Thank you for showing me how to let go and live life in a more beautiful, peaceful, loving and harmonious way.

Thank you for helping me discover the beauty that was hidden underneath all that pain, dirt and drama.

Thank you for being with me for all these years, for helping me face, accept and heal my darkness and my wounds and thank you for holding my hand and guiding me towards the light.

I love and appreciate you for teaching me all these powerful and valuable lessons and for making me a better and stronger person.

I will forever be grateful to you for helping me grow, evolve and expand beyond my wildest dreams.

You have been my friend and companion for all these years and even though it's not really easy to let you go, we both know that I have to.

I need to move forward with my life and only by letting you go will I be able to do so. I know you want what’s best for me and I trust you will be happy to see me go...

Goodbye dear friend... Thank you for everything.

Take care :) xx
This is Purpose Fairy's good-bye letter to her past.  I had to remember my past first, now I am in the process of letting it go.  It is actually amazingly difficult.  My past was blank for so long that now I am feeling afraid to loose it again.  I do want to make peace with my past.  I want to be able to feel the same gratitude that Purpose Fairy feels.  Reading her letter gives me a lot to think about.

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