Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Limiting Beliefs

Enjoy reading the complete article....I listed my reactions below. 


1. Life is fair

I have watched people make themselves absolutely miserable expecting live to be fair.  It starts out when you are born....one person born to loving parents and another born into an abusive home...it starts out unfair and goes down hill from there.  

2. Suffering is bad

I will agree that suffering is not comfortable but that doesn't make it bad.  I am upping my work outs and my body is suffering a little.  However, as I persevere my body gets used to the new level and feels stronger and better than ever.  Too many times in the midst of suffering I lose sight of the fact that all things change, including suffering.

3. You are in control

I learned this fairly young that I am not in control of life....what I missed was the point that I can control some things...just not everyone around me.  Through counseling, I learned that I can control myself but not another person or life events....sometimes Crap Happens.  

4. People are obligated to love you a specific way

I would have these fantasy dialogs in my head as to how people would treat me if I did something in a certain way.....fantasy rarely matches reality...if I want a romance to go a particular way, I need to write a romance novel so I can have some control about how my characters love each other. 

5. Keeping the peace actually keeps the peace

 This is the largest fallacy of all...I was raised with the philosophy of peace at all cost....I learned that it would cost everything.  Keeping quiet when I need to speak up, helped no one. 

If I rewrite these statements to reflect what I learned it would go something like this....

1. Life refuses to be fair....it is programmed into the system.
2. Suffering can build or destroy character depending on what I do with it. 
3. I can control my reaction to a situation...the rest is kind of wild and not in my control.
4. People love me how they are capable of loving me and sometime people I care about won't love me at all. 
5. Keeping my internal peace depends on my protecting my boundaries and accepting that sometimes I have to fight for peace. 

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