Monday, September 19, 2011

Enough is Enough

I enjoy reading and following several blogs.  Sometimes I comment and share my perspective.  Today I read one that was so thought provoking I thought I would share here with permission.

How often do you hear you are doing too much _____________. Fill in the blank.

Brash World collected a list and shared it on her blog:

I read her list several times. 

After my last child was born, my body did an all mighty crash.   I could only be out of bed and up for about 20 minutes a day.  Back then putting away the dishes could be too much.  Today, I started my morning checking my email.  Checked my blog then had breakfast.  Left a few minutes late for work.  Stayed very busy all day.  Went to the bank on the way home.  Got home grabbed a snack then off to the store to do weekly shopping.  Back home grab another snack, hung up laundry, then headed for dance/exercise class.  Picked up water on the way home with a brief visit to my sister but decided hunger was winning out.  8:30 PM ate dinner.  Caught up on facebook, emailed a few people and now catching up on blogs.  Compared to what I used to do I am tearing around now.  There are still times I am so tired I can barely stay awake if I hold still for more than 20 minutes.  I think too much is relative to each person.  Taking 1000 pictures in one day most people would be howling too much.  I am disappointed that I ran out of space on my two 8 GB memory cards.  One lima bean is TOO MUCH.  A fellow photographer is out of work and now has too much time.  Another friend is having problems with people not doing their job and has too much frustration.  Too much seems to attack from every side.  Einstein preached that all things are relative.  "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." -- Albert Einstein   You know, I think he was on to something.


mulderfan said...

Brash World sure nailed this one: "How much is too much in regards to forgiveness, repentance, and reconcilation? . . . . . I know God wants us to forgive, but he doesn't mean to let others continually harm us like a doormat does he??"

But, the important thing is that "too much" is different for everyone and we should respect that!

Hugs P/M

Ruth said...

(((P/M))) thanks. I thought her comments were excellent.

Laurel Hawkes said...

Wow. That was great! How often is how much too much determined by someone else? I tend to be on the computer from around 6am to 10pm, Monday through Friday, with breaks for meals, etc. How often have I heard the lecture about STOP SPENDING SO MUCH TIME ON THE COMPUTER, from EVERYONE! Now, a little background information: I type medical records, on the computer. I'm a writer, and guess where that's done - on the computer. I have friends all over the world, and how else do I communicate with them but on the computer. I'm not married, and I don't have children, so what's the problem? Being sociophobic, I actually have a much healthier social life now. When I go on vacation, I do not use the computer, the whole time I'm gone, except to print my boarding pass for returning home. Thanks for posting this!

Ruth said...

Nicely done pointing out that many times someone outside of ourselves is trying to decide when we have done enough.

BrashWorld said...

Ruth, I am humbled that my words were something you could expand on. Thank you for sharing and for your own great thoughts, and those who commented, to expand this idea of 'too much'! <3

Ruth said...

I think it is a problem that many of us struggle with.