Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day

This is an interesting tradition from England.  I looked up the Wikipedea information and it was the day that the landed gentry gave boxes of food to tradesmen and others on their property that serve them all year.  Being a bit of a cynic I figure it was a great way to get rid of the left overs from all the Christmas festivals.  Others believe that boxes were put outside churches for donations to the poor.  I learned that there were usually boxes outside the churches for donations for the poor but I guess that is as good as I get since finding out origins of things takes time to do and I didn't bother too much. 

My plan for the day is to clean out stuff I don't need and some of it will go into donation boxes that serve others that have less.  I am reminded how incredibly blessed I am.  If you have enough to be able to give away excess you are rich because you have more than you need.  Interesting theory that works for me. This week is also the time when I do the end of the year self inventory in preparation for adjusting my goals for the new year.  When I was sick a lot, goals seemed pretty pointless to share.  For several years, my goal for the day was to get out of bed.  Getting dressed was an extra bonus.  Being thrilled that I got up for more than 20 minutes in a day didn't illicit much enthusiasm for a goal accomplished by anyone accept me.  Now, I can accomplish more in a day than I used to do in a week.  Without goals to direct my choices, a day can feel like I am going in circles.  However, with goals in mind I can evaluate where I was in comparison to where I have been at the beginning of the day.  I do remind myself that some days the best use of my time is to just be. 

Have a beautiful day.


Laurel Hawkes said...


Pitstop said...

love and light to you for Christmas and the New Year!xxxxx