Monday, January 30, 2012


There are blogs I follow that I can't comment on because my computer won't let me.  Computers can drive me crazy.  I fixed them for 14 years and I finally admitted defeat.  Some people set their blogs to only allow people that log into certain types of accounts.  I don't always have one of those types. No twitter. No Wordpress.  Sorry I am not commenting but I am not allowed.  To prevent spammers, I ask that you type in a code.  So far, I have never had any spam.  I like not getting spam.  I apologize if the computer is nasty about letting you comment.  A few people offered to write post for me but that's ok.  I consider my blog my own work and thoughts learned from others but it is not a burden (one commenter called it a burden not me) that anyone needs to help me do.  From my blog, I have found friends that I have never met and some that I have, both have enriched my life. I check regularly for comments to make sure each voice gets heard.  Occasionally, someone sends me a message with *DO NOT POST* because they want to comment just to me.  No problem.  Sometimes Blogspot is finicky.  If there is no comment box, you can try clicking on a reply for another comment then scroll down and you will find the 'add comment' button.  What glitch is at work that causes this...I don't know.  It's a computer.  Here's a link to Murphy's Laws on computers:
I had my own saying:

O'Toole's Corilary - Murphy was an optimist.
Hmmm...Let's see about this.


Mo-Mo said...

Ah, yes. . . good ol' computer glitches! I've had issues off/on trying to post to someone, link up on their post, etc. I get frustrated but sometimes, when I'm in the right frame of mind, LOL!, I figure it's a chance for me to re-read my comment/blog to make sure I'm conveying what I want to say and that it's helpful. :)

Ruth said...

Great idea. I sometimes figure if cyber space lost the original comment maybe I need to rewrite it. :)