it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."
A back ground of lies makes it difficult to recognize the choices available. If a door is called a wall a child will believe this. Causing great confusion when talking to someone else that calls the door, a door. A child believes what they are told no matter how wrong or distorted. A child gains understanding of their self from their parents first then followed by teachers or other adult in their lives. Destructive adults in early years of a child makes it difficult for a child to separate their parents distorted images from who they really are. A specific example: When I was in seventh grade I took art. The teacher evaluated us at the end of the semester to determine if we could take another semester of art. I had leanings towards perfectionism then and tore a hole in my drawing paper trying to erase mistakes. Each project did not turn out to my satisfaction so I ended up damaging my work trying to correct a perceived error. The finished project did not turn out well. The teacher told me at to never take another art class because I was terrible at art. I believed her. I never took another art class until my job required me to take Photography so the professors could talk to me about the problems in the digital dark room, a computer lab designed specifically for Juniors, Seniors and grad students in photography. I dove into the class and loved it. I entered one of my prints into the freshman photo show. The art director commented, "So you are an artist." I denied it. I couldn't possibly be an artist, my teacher told me so. The greatest challenge I face, I suspect others face it too, are the lies I was told as a child. I would get very excited about things when I was a child. I was told to calm down and not be so excitable. Squashed like a bug for too much excitement. I learned as an adult this is enthusiasm, when channeled enthusiasm can move mountains. It is the energy that pushes me through projects. Gets me moving out of a rut. I am enthusiastic. I get excited about the things I do. I do not need to damp it down or extinguish it. I can use it to add turbo-boosters to any project. I was lied to as a child. Enthusiasm is not a bad thing. One of the things I love about myself is how enthusiastic I can get over a project event or activity. I can choose to allow my enthusiasm to shine through. My drawing teacher helped me to succeed in drawing by taking my eraser away.
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My drawings and my teacher |
Enthusiasm is a wonderful quality. It moves mountains. Only cynics would shame someone for being enthusiastic. And you are obviously an artist. hugs, CS
I've always been told I'm way too intense.
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