Monday, February 3, 2014

Afraid to say it

I made a big decision and I am afraid to say it.  I almost feel like if I say anything I will jinx my success.  Any ways....I decided to stop counseling.  I am not 'quitting' my self-improvement.  I am just not going to be working on it with a counselor.  MyCounselor, who is no longer my counselor, pointed out that I have the skills and knowledge that I was so lacking.  I now have choices of ways of approaching most problems.  I fasted and prayed before laying out my choices then I spent the week thinking about them.  It is right for me now to step out and step up my living.  I feel a bit like a little kid that just had their training wheels taken off their bike. Kind of scared and excited all at the same time.


mulderfan said...

I likened counseling to planning/preparing for a trip with a travel adviser. At some point, you just have to get on the plane and fly.

Sit back and enjoy the your journey, Ruth. You've earned it!

Ruth said...

Thanks mulderfan, I like that idea.

Evan said...

I hope you have some kind of ritual or celebration in mind (if you haven't already had one).


Ellen said...

Congrats on 'graduation' Ruth!

Ruth said...

Hi Evan, Nothing planned. Feeling good.

Thank you Ellen.

TR said...

Congrats! Hugs, TR

Ruth said...

Thanks TR