Monday, February 10, 2014

Reaction to what Strong people don't do continued 2.....

I am working my way through an article sharing my reaction to 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do:

9. They Don’t Resent Other People’s Success

This always confused me when someone resented or put down the success of someone else.  In an interesting way by this criteria, I've been strong much longer than I thought.  I remember in high school being thrilled and happy for my friends success even if it was against me.  I love watching the Olympics and the thrill of seeing someone else win the gold.  I recognize the work they had to do to get there.  I am bugged when commentators and news people point out the flaws showing errors over and over.  I watched Nadia Comaneci get the perfect 10 the first time.  I felt thrilled to be able to witness her success.
I could not understand why people just couldn't be happy for her and every other success.  I didn't see this as a strength within myself.  It was interesting to see this as a trait of a strong person.

10. They Don’t Give Up After the First Failure

Or the second failure or the third failure, Edison showed this kind of determination.  It is my belief that every survivor is here today because they didn't give up.  Surviving usually involves many put downs, many failures and the survivor just keeps getting up again.  Bruised, battered, discouraged, but surviving none the less.  Changing from victim to survivor requires facing a mountain of failures.  Changing from survivor to thriving takes determination, grit, and plain stubborn refusal to give up no matter how many times I get knocked down.  I was very proud when someone labeled me tenacious.  I think often of Winston Churchill's famous quote, "Never, never, never give up."

11. They Don’t Fear Alone Time

I enjoy alone time.  I get wearied and anxious if I don't get time alone.  My fear is being around people.  So I am not sure this is a good indicator one way or the other about a mentally strong person.  I have met people that fear being alone or constantly chatter because they can't tolerate silence.  I met people that stayed quiet and wanted to be alone because they feared people.  Maybe what I believe about strong people is they don't fear...alone time or being in company.  Mentally strong people enjoy either.  Just my perspective on this. 

12. They Don’t Feel the World Owes Them Anything

Entitlement....expecting others to provide for them.....wanting to be taken care of.  I believe this thinking is that of a child that never grew up.  Interesting thing about abuse victims they can be like this or they believe that the only thing they are going to get from the world is a kick in the teeth.  The challenge in becoming a strong person is the belief that I can get what I ask for from other people. The belief that I have power and can get the things I need took a lot of coaxing from KavinCoach.  Years of feeling powerless left little belief that I could meet my own needs.  I am thankful for counseling that opened my eyes to my own power. 

13. They Don’t Expect Immediate Results

Instant, now, don't wait, buy now, I want it done yesterday, impatience, demands of immediate results things coming faster and faster microwave, fast food, instant messaging the world seems to be obsessed with getting things done IMMEDIATELY.....NOW....the thought of waiting for anything is almost unheard of.  I don't mind waiting.  I have a something to read, a game on my phone, or something else to entertain.  The quiet moments of pause.....I do believe that a mentally strong person recognizes the value of waiting....the best is yet to come. 


Cassandra said...

I had the same reaction to 11.

Ruth said...

Thanks Cassandra.