Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evil exists

For those that are triggered by church, religion, evil, tirades, strong language or just not interested in Good and Evil debates....stop reading now....look at yesterday's pictures and just skip my post for today.  

I almost didn't write this post.  However, I am editing my sister's story and she is very big on truth and honor.  I am feeling a bit of disappointment tinged with a bit of shame for not speaking up last Sunday at church...probably couldn't have because my brain short circuited instead of standing up and screaming....."This is why evil thrives, you people make excuses for those that choose it. $%&#@$%#%^&%$" I knew that I was in a place where I could not speak civilly and maybe that is it.  Maybe I need to stop speaking civilly about evil myself before calling out somebody else. 

Let me back up a bit, give a bit of context to fill in what I am thinking.  (This is one reason why I am missing counseling already, I could vent to someone safely.  The counselor wouldn't take it personally, I could let off steam, and I would feel better.)  Last Sunday in Sunday School we were discussing Cain and Able.  Now my take of the story is Cain loved Satan and chose to slay his brother Able to get his sheep.   People in the group started spluttering about love the sinner but not the sin, addictions, not realizing what they are doing....excuses, excuses, excuses....Hey PEOPLE sometimes there are those that choose to HURT others and ENJOY IT.  Blogs write about the creepy little smile a narcissistic gets on their face B E F O R E saying something nasty.  They are anticipating and enjoying the thought of hurting someone else even if that person is their own child.  There are abusive parents that are absolutely sober when they beat their kid.  There are bullies that BRAG about intimidating and putting someone down.  Murder doesn't happen just because someone's feelings are hurt.  Premeditated murder in cold blood was the act that Cain did. This is not about addiction or not having a good neighborhood to live in or not having a chance, this story is about MURDER.....Why the excuses?  Why the soft pedal?  I blew a gasket and shut down when they trotted out the wearied 'judge not' excuse.  I am going to say right here and now that many situations can happen that people make poor choices.  I believe the story of Cain and Able is in the Bible as a warning that there are people that do exist that choose evil.  Premeditated, vicious, hurtful people and the warning from the Lord is to STAY THE AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE.  I do not know if the pedophile that tortured me will go to Heaven or Hell, that is not for me to decide.  I do believe that if he were alive today I would move far away from him as possible.  I avoid bullies whenever possible.  I have quit jobs to get away from bullies.  Through counseling I am learning other ways to protect myself.  I am ticked off with myself for not standing up and saying, "Cain and Able is about premeditated murder because a man chose evil.  Making excuses for him will not change his crime. The warning the Lord gives all of us that evil exists and we need to be on guard."  There. Now I've said it.   


mulderfan said...

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

IMO Those who remain silent contribute to the evil that is being done.

Like you, I have experienced being repeatedly and knowingly hurt by the very people that should have been loving and protecting me. Sadly, you are not alone, Ruth.

Ruth said...

One of my favorite quotes. Thank you mulderfan for sharing your thoughts.

Judy said...

You know that you could have said it and they still would have shut you out, right? Why? It isn't comfortable. Too many believe the truth is always hopeful. They refuse to believe that the only reason the truth is hopeful is because it offers light. They've confused hope and light... in their attempt to narrow everything done to one thing... God is about as complicated as it gets and at the same time as simple as it comes.

Ruth said...

It isn't comfortable. I still wish I said it.

Tundra Woman said...

Thank you, Ruth.
Whether it's the Sacred or the Secular, I've been saying for years, "Evil is not an abstract concept. It's a human reality. It resides within people who act out their evil in and on the external world."
Apparently we now reside in such a PC World, there are certain words that are off-limits including "evil" and "abuse" among others. It appears the ability to take a dictionary definition and apply it to the real world has become threatening instead of a statement of obvious fact. Why do we even have these words if no one is "allowed" to USE THEM?! Even in regard to their OWN experience?!
Then there's the "Forgiveness Police" who fully align with the "Excuse for Abuse" PC Cohort. sigh. Apparently since I have not "forgiven" my abuser, I'm an angry, bitter person. Huh. Apparently I'm suppose to "forgive for myself and my own well-being." Huh. I guess because "Forgiveness" is/was never even on my radar I'm totally morally bankrupt, huh?! (why, maybe even...evil!)
So the inherent paradigm is Binary PC-Speak only: "You're either "Good" or you're (gasp!) "Not Good" but don't cha dare use that word "Evil." You either "Forgive" or you're an "Angry, Bitter Person."
Kudos for writing Truth, Ruth. IMO, it's good for your sanity and a refreshing example of moral integrity and appropriate use of language in a PC Crazed World: To use an oft-over used PC word, "Amazing!"

Ruth said...

Thank you TW. It was good for my sanity. I am feeling far better than yesterday. I hadn't thought what I said refreshing but I understand your point. Thanks.