Monday, March 5, 2012

Thoughtful Question

Tonight I was thinking about my post and drawing a blank.  I checked out a few blogs that I follow and thought about the amazing people I have met online living all over the world.  I read about two friends meeting and sharing a visit.  I felt so happy for them.  I read about a young mom planning menus.  I don't do that much with a crazy schedule and sometimes no desire to cook dinner and no kids to feed....It felt nice reading about a woman taking care of her family and showering them with love.  I enjoy browsing through Facebook chatting with friends there for a few short lines.  Read some positive thoughts and some frustrated rants and checked on what friends and family are doing...and I still didn't know what I wanted to write tonight. 

Went back to face book and pulled up the question posted by Express MiE.  A little information...Express MiE is where I take Zumba class.  I go... after a year I keep up at my own pace and get a great dance work out.  Now, I am taking more classes and loving exercise.  Here is the question:

Question of the Week: What is one thing you'd like to be remembered for?

I enjoyed reading the WIDE variety of answers.   I thought about my sister Judy wanting to be a blessing to others.  I decided that I wanted to be known for making a difference.  When I worked in the computer labs I didn't want to just fix the computers, I wanted to help each student succeed and meet their goals.  I was so proud of the many students that graduated and moved on to bigger and more interesting things.  I even started a series of montages (photographic collages) of the difference of one.  One person that made a big difference.  I studied Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Lincoln, Einstein, Edison, Steve Jobs, individuals that in their own way following the desires of their heart they made a difference.  I don't need to make a difference with the world but I hope I can everyday make a small difference for someone, somewhere.  I know from experience that the world can dish out a lot of pain.  I am daily amazed out how many people don't.  How many people stop to let someone into traffic.  How many people say thank you when you open a door for them.  How many people encourage and care for each other.  It is an interesting mix everyday.  I hope I am remembered as someone who made a difference.


mulderfan said...

Nichiren Buddhists seek Kosen Rufu which means our personal happiness--enlightenment--is inextricably linked with the peace and happiness of our fellow humans and of society as a whole. In other words, the ceaseless effort to enhance the value of human dignity, to awaken all people to a sense of their limitless worth and potential.

On a personal level it means each one of us should metaphorically reach out each day to the person right in front of us and treat them with dignity and respect.

If everyone did this everyday these small acts of kindness would change the world one person at a time.

The idea of making a difference can be overwhelming but really begins with a simple act of kindness by one person like yourself, Ruth!

Hugs P/M

Ruth said...

Thank you for sharing Kosen Rufu. I believe you are right that simple acts of kindness one person as time will make a difference. Thanks for making a difference to me. :)

Laurel Hawkes said...

You are making a difference.

Anonymous said...

You have been successful! You are making a powerfully positive difference in so many lives. Thank you!

Ruth said...

Thank you Laurel and Anon.