Friday, June 6, 2014


Tonight I am babysitting grandkids which is a lot more fun than babysitting parents.  I am catching up on reading a book I promised to critique.  I could have sent a reply after chapter 3.  I am glad I slogged the rest of the way through.  I am impressed by her courage for writing a book on PTSD, DID and ritualistic abuse.  If she had left it as her testament of her experience, I would share it here and praise her for her courage.  Unfortunately, she bills it as a guide for others.  Her experience doesn't match mine.  I agree that education and awareness needs to raise but I disagree with anyone sharing opinion as fact.  I realize this is a major HOT button.  I also feel her description and methods are confusing.  Since she uses words like 'all survivors must' she is setting her experience as the only way to integrate and yea that doesn't go well for me.  When I finally got to the chapter where she defines integration....we don't even have the same definition.  I would have liked to share her book as an alternative to some of the others but there are just so many triggers, land mines, and opinions disguised as truth, the only truth.  Occasionally through out the book, she concedes that others may do things differently.  She also had an entire chapter on alternative ways of healing such as wilderness camps, energy work, massage, and many other areas. She praised all of the alternatives with little or no reservation.  Here's the bottom line for me.  Some of these alternatives are run by people that have no idea how to deal with complex problems of PTSD or the possibility that they are run by predators looking for easy prey.  I had some scary experiences with unprepared practitioners in different areas. So I'll finish the book and send the critique.  Gave me a lot of food for thought but sorting through the truths and opinions is a bit tedious.   

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