Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The more things change, the more they remain... insane.  - Michael Fry and T. Lewis from Over the Hedge
 FINE - Freaked out Insecure Neurotic Emotional

I retreat into art to cope.  Put up a new sequence on my other blog.  Enjoy.

Also sent an emergency email to New Counselor.  I almost dread having my life go well.  Seems like when every things start to go awesome, a brick wall suddenly smacks me in the face.  Feeling a bit like a fish in a man-made lake - "DAM."

1 comment:

Laurel Hawkes said...

Ah, that sounds familiar. The calm before the storm. I used to want more calm, until I realized I was going farther in the storms. It's learning to tack with the wind instead of against it and crashing.