Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen....

Easter morning I am filled with peace.  NewCounselor presented an interesting idea.  The resurrected Christ is perfect and He kept the scars in His hands. 

Christ chose to keep the evidence of his sacrifice.  Another place I read was that when Christ was crucified we were on His mind.  He took time to make sure His mother would be cared for.  His life showed the way to share love and joy with those around us.  He did not doubt who he was or what he was sent here to do.

I thought of the scars I carry.  The scars on my body from cancer and other injuries. The scars on my spirit from abuse.  In counseling, I work hard at healing the broken places of my heart.  I still feel scarred.  Perhaps it is not the imperfection that I thought it was. 

Earlier in this blog I shared the story of The potato, the egg, and the hot chocolate.  I believe that we can not control what happens to us, we can only control what we do with the experiences.  I split to survive.  I was taught how to take control of my life and my thinking.  Fear still kicks in.  I learned how to work with that.  Anger is still there.  I learned how to use anger as an indicator that my boundaries are being pushed.  I still feel shame.  I am learning to sort out what belongs to me and what was projected to me from my abuser.  I feel peace more and more often.  I feel love for my children and grand children that far accedes anything I believed possible.  I believe Christ did exactly what He said He did.  He is risen.  For me, that has made all the difference.


Laurel Hawkes said...


Ellen said...

Happy Easter Ruth!

Well, the cracks are where the light gets in, as they say.

I am also hot chocolate! :-)