Facebook opened my world to a bazzillion posters online that are posted by several people. This is how I stumbled on to this site http://notsalmon.com/blog/
I learned about it from this poster:
I used posters when I was a teenager to encourage myself. I used them to express a thought or a feeling that I didn't seem to find the words for. Now I have a steady supply. I agree with Zig Zigler encouragement and positive self talk needs to be done daily.
I like this idea of treating myself with kindsight. I already do this for other people but I judge myself harshly. I also need to remind myself that sometimes if you start out at the back of the pack like in a Boston Marathon it takes awhile to get to the starting line.
I complained once to KavinCoach about how long it was taking me in counseling. I wanted to know if I was starting to just use counseling as someone to talk to. He assured me that when I was just chatting he would let me know and show me the door. He then reminded me that when there is a lot of neglected damage it takes a while to get through so much junk. I tried to cram a childhood of learning into just a few years. Childhood to adulthood takes 20 years. I am trying to cleanup and catchup all at the same time. I figure that once I feel comfortable in the counseling office then it is time for me to be finished.
You have made so many healthy changes. Go you!
My support group was only supposed be for a year, but then I made one excuse after another as to why I needed to stay longer and my counselor went along with it. Then one day I realized there would always be another and another and another excuse for not going out and, as AA says, "facing life on life's terms" so I made the decision to leave the group.
In my experience the counselor waits for the client to make the decision. No need to rush, you'll know when you're ready, Ruth.
Hugs P/M
I don't think you counselor can tell you when to stop. That's up to you. You can always go back if you want.
Treat the times you have judged yourself with kindsight too!
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