Monday, July 23, 2012

Boundary - time

We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.  Roderick Thorp, Rainbow Drive

At first, I didn't understand how time could be a boundary.   Then I thought about Chopped, a popular Food network show with bizarre ingredients and time limits.  Time becomes a boundary at work when you are allotted a certain amount of time to accomplish a task.   Interestingly enough Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend explained that young adults need a certain amount of time away from their parents to establish their own traditions and boundaries.  Sometimes the time away from a project can give you perspective that you need to move forward with the project.  Time away from a person or a group may realign your boundaries to match your priorities instead of theirs.  Time away, a break, a vacation, short or long, close or away, the boundary of time plays an essential role for anyone needing to become their own best friend.  I encouraged my own children to move out and live on their own before getting married.  I am not 100% sure it was the brightest idea I had but it was something that I didn't do.  Parents are like that.  Sometimes they encourage their kids to do something they wished that they had done themselves.  I have taken breaks from projects.  I have noticed that my perspective changes.  Sometimes I realize it wasn't what I wanted to do in the first place.  The one person I can never take a break from is me.  I am with me all the time.  Before integrating I was able to take breaks from myself.  I don't miss doing that.  I am very happy to be all together, even when I am very stressed.  I do sneak away at family dinners to play with the grand kids but I figure that one is a win-win proposition.  Where do you like to take a break?

I love going to the park.


mulderfan said...

I was one of those people who had to be doing something ALL the time! Reading a book didn't cut it so it books got devoured, without pleasure, in record time. Maybe it goes back to my period of "slavery" where I had chores, babysitting, school and, even though no social life was allowed, I never had any free time.

It's taken me quite a number of years in retirement to realize it's OK to just take the time to "be". I nap, read, potter in my garden, hang out with pups, meet friends for lunch and am finally letting go of the feeling I must "accomplish" something every single day.

Time is now my friend and not my enemy!

Screw dear daddy, who told me in our final conversation I had wasted my life! Even if I had, it was my time to waste!

Laurel Hawkes said...


Ruth said...

One person's waste is another person's pleasure. Thanks for a great comment mulderfan.

Yea Laurel. :)