Monday, April 15, 2013

Are you a People Pleaser?

For a week, I kept this article open on Firefox...reading and rereading.

Checking in with myself, reminding myself that I do not need to play the assigned roll by someone else.  Family gathering for my parents 60th anniversary does not require relinquishing what I gained and dropping back to old family patterns.  It is not my job to smooth over everything.  When the celebration was first proposed, I wanted nothing to do with it.  I kept reading and rereading this article was because I was a people-pleaser to the point that I lost myself completely.  Old habits die hard.  Starting a week ago, I recognized that what I would be celebrating is my marriage, children, and grandchildren.  That I can celebrate without reservation.  With that thought in mind, I spent 2 hours playing with bubbles with my grandchildren.  We had a blast.  One of my grandsons released a helium balloon and we waved goodbye as it flew over housetops and into the wild blue wonder of sky.  I felt I stayed true to myself this weekend.  Not an easy task when people-pleasing and doing things for others can seem so similar. 

New Growth on Old Wood

1 comment:

Janet said...

proud of you in a weekend of landmines.