Monday, April 22, 2013


 Questions that I could delete but decided I want to answer.  First, I wish to define respect.  In this situation I am using definition #3.


1. a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in  ): to differ in some respect.
2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.
3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.
4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.
5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

In the movie Patch Adams, Patch is passionate about becoming a doctor.  His attitude turns the medical school on its ear.  At the end of the movie he is before the medical board debating his right to graduate.  He talks about the clinic he opens where every person is a doctor and every one is a patient learning from each other to live healthy.  I believe that the blogs I read are this type of idea to share what we learn, to offer what we know, and encourage one another. 

What I was asked:
So Ruth are joining the Cali camp now?with all the that suck up respect crap? 

The first question I feel is totally irrelevant since I do not believe there are any 'camps' on the blogosphere.  To the person signs in as Anonymous wanting to know if I joined sides....there are no sides.  Opinions that I agree with or disagree with but no sides... N O T H I N G to choose.

The second question is multi-faceted.  To say that one is sucking up it implies that I must be inferior and in need of gaining favor from someone superior to me.  Since I do not feel I am inferior then there is no need to suck up.  In my opinion, if a person knows what it is to respect someone else than sucking up has nothing to do with respect.  Plus if the author of these questions believes respect is crap then I believe he/she does not know what respect is or never experienced it.  I was not raised in a home where I was respected.  After describing how I was treated my counselor pointed out that servants are treated better.  I learned about being respected in counseling.  I am thankful that my counselor respected me and taught me to respect myself.  I learned that in order to respect others I needed to respect myself.  So do I believe in respect...absolutely yes.  "I am who I am and I do not need your approval." quote found on Facebook seems appropriate to these questions. 


Kara said...

"I believe that the blogs I read are this type of idea to share what we learn, to offer what we know, and encourage one another. " This is my view too, Ruth.
A very thoughtful post and also a great example of how to respond. Thanks for sharing.

Ruth said...

Thanks Kara.

Judy said...

Narcissists demand answers on their terms to their questions and you better give what they expect or they'll make sure you understand you're wrong... even if you're not. Good for you, Ruth!

mulderfan said...

As I say in my sidebar, I write my blog for myself and if it helps someone else along the way...bonus!

When I finally laid down boundaries with my twisted family, RESPECT was the only thing I asked of them. I didn't ask for love or support because I finally understood they had none to give. I knew they were capable of respecting others because I'd seen them give it to retirement home staff, bank tellers and other near strangers.

They never did give me RESPECT but in the end by withholding the one thing I asked for they gave me my freedom.

Ruth said...

Thanks Judy.

mulderfan it is interesting how some parents can show respect to everyone except their own offspring. Almost like they hate themselves so they can't possibly respect their child.

Tundra Woman said...

Ruth, I can not imagine "Anon Comments" such as this are coming from a creditable place at all. I'm a bit leery about those who can't or won't even use a screen name and the inherent message in the comment doesn't add to the credibility either, IMO.

Ruth said...

I agree TW...I answered the questions more to define how I felt than to pander to their questions. Also I recieved multiple comments from a similar sounding source. Not sure what their game is but in my opinion, I suspect it is a troll.