Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who owns you

As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them.  Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself. — Neale Donald Walsch

Yesterday I had a not too gentle reminder that PTSD is never far away.  I may manage it very well but there are life's little bumps that jar the lid off the box with the PTSD label.  I sometimes forget the very painful physical affects of PTSD.  For me, after high level of stress my body then crashes.  I am reminded painfully that skin is the largest organ of the body and it can hurt all at the same time.  I feel it is a cruel trick that the skin hurts so painfully that I cannot be comforted with a hug.  I can barely move and takes me awhile to get back on my feet again.  (Bottom of the feet take a lot of pressure and if my skin hurts every step is painful.)  I stayed home and rested.  By afternoon I was doing much better.  I was criticized for staying home.  At  first, I was hurt, then angry then I thought about whether or not I need someone else's approval in how I choose to care for myself.  I was fascinated how quickly I no longer felt even annoyed.  I don't need approval from anyone to make choices to take care of me.  I realized that part of how I was controlled in my childhood was my need to feel approval outside of myself.  This is a normal behavior for almost everyone.  However, if I take it to an extreme and put the other person's approval above my own needs, I am allowing them to own me.  Part of my effort in battling my past, integrating, and continuing counseling was to learn to be my own person, responsible for myself.  I have the power to choose what I do.  I do not need to give that power away by seeking someone's approval. 

I grow at my own speed. 


TR said...

Excellent post; It is normal to seek approval and I like how you clarify it when it becomes unhealthy - when the approval is far greater than servicing our own needs.

Love the photo with the caption. I grow at my own speed.

xxoo TR

Ruth said...

Thanks TR. :)