Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Santa Secret

I found this on Facebook....no idea who posted it originally. 

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The first version like this that I heard was a Grandma being asked by her grandson about Santa Claus. Her grandson asked if Santa was real this was her answer:

"Yes, Santa is real and you are joining his team.  Think of a child in your class that could really use something."  After a moment he answered that one of the children in class didn't go outside for recess because he had no coat for cold weather.  Grandma then took the boy to the store and had him pick out a coat.  They wrapped it carefully.  Then left it on the door step and ran and hid behind some plants.  The child opened the door and found the gift.  Out of breath from running to hide Grandma whispered, "You are now on the Santa team."

What I learned that many are too proud to accept a hand out but a gift from Santa is some how acceptable.  I discovered that hiding behind Santa allows a wealth of good to happen without people feeling guilty.  I've also seen it go terribly wrong.  I gave a Santa gift to some children and their mother was terribly offended and got rid of that junk.  I felt sad that I hurt instead of helped someone.  Santa is a sticky subject and more than a few are traumatized by he old elf.  Bottom line is Santa is what you make of him.  We didn't teach our kids the Santa until much later.  Our oldest son actually through his one and only screaming kick your feet on the floor tantrum when we saw him.  Some of my other children were not a great fan either.  I watched my mother stay up endless ours creating the Santa illusion then feeling resentful that we didn't thank her adequately.  My belief is Santa is way to help others, sometimes.  I enjoy giving anonymously and Santa helps me do that. 

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