Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gold in Broken places


Gold in Broken places

Beautiful images and explanation

Nothing lasts
Nothing is finished
Nothing is perfect

My long series on bully's led me to many different sites.  From my studies, I decided that all narcissistics are bullies but not all bullies are narcissistic, but they probably all need counseling for one disorder or another.  With so much harm caused by bullies, I search for answers about healing.  One of the concepts I encountered was a Japanese tradition to mend a broken pot with gold, Wabi-sabi.  Healing the broken places with gold brings to mind a series that I shot with film called 'Imperfect Beauty.'  I still find such pictures where ever I go.  The beauty is the imperfection, not in spite of it.  I am imperfect, flawed, broken....accused of ugliness....but what if my accusers are wrong...what if instead, I heal the broken places with compassion, integrity, understanding, patience, kindness, love.  I was broken as broken as a human can be and still survive.  I healed so many places I felt a bit like a crazy quilt.  A crazy quilt is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen.  This link describes the process of making a crazy quilt with some pictures to enjoy.  http://cqmagonline.com/vol06iss04/articles/742/index.shtml
For a larger image you can try this link:

Western quilters and Japanese artists glory in the fragments and mending them together. 

Fried in the blazing Sun - retains a delicate beauty that didn't exist before the damage was done.

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