Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day

In the United States of America, today is the day to honor veteran's, brave men and women that value liberty above all else.  I don't even need to pause from my series on bullying.  To me, terrorist are bullies on an international scale.  Our soldiers stand up to the bullies.  Some people wail that if it weren't for the soldiers there would be no war.  They are right, slaves do not fight wars.  Blaming the soldier for the cruelty and selfish lust for power of leaders of countries boggles my mind.  I am thankful to every man and woman that risked life and limb to stand up to any bully.  I am sadden by those that lack appreciation for the sacrifice for others so that they can complain.  I do not enjoy violence but I learned the hard way that in some cases, the behavior of others, leaves no choice.

My sister posted a link to a video.

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