Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rock Bottom

The NFY post triggered my memory of how far I have come.  Over 20 years ago, I remember lying in bed wondering why I bothered to keep breathing.  I felt totally useless.  I couldn't take care of my family.  I couldn't take care of myself.  I didn't DO anything.  I live in a culture that values and defines who you are by what you DO.  I defined myself as a slug.  I look back and realize how far I have come.  I am thankful to my family not giving up on me the way I gave up on myself.  Paradoxically during this time is when I made a startling discovery.  I felt I had no value or worth, but a seed of belief started to grow that I was had value and worth to God.   Somehow my value and worth to God had nothing to do with what I could DO.   I existed so I had worth.  Years later, KavinCoach helped me wrap my mind around this concept.  He wanted me to think about those that I love and asked me what their worth and value was to me.   One of the things I thought about was my little cat.  This cat is totally worthless by any standard.  She is terrified of the world.  One ear was permanently twisted before I got her.  She cowers to the side while the birds eat her food.  Her purr is defective.  I was told on more than one occasion that she was worthless.  But not to me.  She is my kitty.  I am happy to see her.  I worry if she doesn't come at dinner time.  I love all her little quirks.  I am delighted by her increasing courage.  Kids can now pet her without her running for the rooftop.  KavinCoach pointed out, if this kitty could have worth to me than I could have worth to God.  I know somewhere along the way I built the conviction that Jesus Christ would have done what He did even if the only person on the planet was me.  That bit of faith pricked the darkness and a bit hope appeared.  Pinpricks of light can pierce the darkest places.   

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