Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Attitude adjustment

Attitude is everything...yet many times I need an attitude adjustment.  I learned that there are many ways to adjust my attitude.
Healthy Eating

Today, I will share what I learned long ago, before counseling, attitude mind set.  One of the jobs I had when I started back to work after 15 years being a mom was working one-on-one with a physically, mentally and emotionally handicap child.  Everyday he called me bitch, hit me, and spit on me.  I hated the job.  I was not prepared for what they expected me to do.  No training was given on how to wrestle him down if he ran away.  I could take him to a time out room but I was in charge of him there too.  It was a horrible awful job and I didn't feel like I could leave in the middle of the year.  (I know better now.  I should have walked off the job when they stood by and let me be abused.)  This is when I encountered the book Life's Uncertain Eat Dessert First The book described to me how to use your mind to reset your attitude.  I took the challenge.  I stepped out the door the next morning ready to take on the world.  First thing I see is clouds.  Gray....clouds....a blanket of them.  I was born in Phoenix, AZ,  the devil's summer home, because it is hotter than hell.  180 days no clouds... a sunshine girl.  And here were clouds.  I refused to let a few clouds get me down.  So, I focused on those daggum' ornery clouds.  I first glared at them, then I opened my mind and heart to the clouds.  They magically changed from gray drab clouds to a stunning canvas of grays.  It looked like a giant paint brush swirled across the sky, God painted this especially for me.  It happened in the space of less than a minute.  I am not going to say that the day went wonderfully because that moment with the clouds didn't change the student.  It did change me.  I learned about attitude mind set.  I am not one of those that stand in a circle holding hands believing that everything will work out perfectly if you have a wonderful attitude.  I do believe that within me, and you, is a well that we can dip into and pull out some of the most extraordinary things.  Cleaning out my soul, remembering my past, and unburdening my spirit is tough ugly work.  Sometimes I need a break.  I retreat into that place in my mind where there is a place for me with lovely gardens, cool breezes and a tree to sit in.  I know it is temporary...sometimes I forget it is there...but like the room of requirement it has what I need when I need it most.

"It is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker's needs"
Dobby explaining to Harry Potter the abilities of the Room of Requirement[src] 

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