Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Burning bridges

There are some bridges that once you cross, they need to be burned.  This prevents one from going back to that same place.  I remember a photography student I worked with years ago.  When he worked on a piece he never saved versions.  He made one image made changes until he was satisfied.  I asked him why he didn't save something to go back to in case something didn't work out.  He shook his head.  He declared, "Life is like a river ever moving onward never back."  So many times people are told not to burn their bridges.  Save the past, no matter how rotten.  Save the relationship, no matter how abusive.  Sometimes the bridge needs to be burnt. 


Anonymous said...

Why some of us can't do that, I don't understand. Trapped in our affectivity ?

Ruth said...

I asked my counselor a similar question. His reply was another question-"What are you getting out of staying there?" My counselor asked me years ago to go no contact with my mother. After 15 years, I finally did. I kept 'trying to fix things.' It didn't work out but I still have the option to try again because I didn't burn that bridge. However, I did permanently cut off some of my past relationships. It was easier once I answered the question of "What am I getting out of the situation?" Good luck.