My quote widgets and Facebook are all contributing to my thoughts for this years self improvement goals. One of the Facebook links suggested that we love ourselves.!/photo.php?fbid=301723086532464&set=a.301362319901874.67386.153592064678901&type=3&theater
It continued with the idea that we are more willing to do something for someone we love. KavinCoach cautioned me repeatedly that the only reason I should integrate was for myself. I have since understood his wisdom in his caution. When I change for someone else, it is about their needs and their goals in life. I recognized later that for me I used being a multiple to behave like a chameleon. Switching and changing to become how I perceived someone else wanted me to be. My daughter actually called me out on this. Asking why I would change the way I behaved around different people. I decided that any self improvement I do, I need to focus on the self part. Make the changes and adjustments I want to see in myself. For too long, I focused on what was wrong with me. I neglected or set aside my strengths and what I needed for me. After integration, KavinCoach asked me what I wanted; I had no idea. Now I do. I want to wake up in the morning excited about the day. I want to serve others and make life more comfortable in some small way. I want to .... So many different things are coming to mind. I can't do everything all at once. I like the idea of Loving myself to do for myself what I would be willing to do for others. I have come along way in caring for myself. Interesting thought is the better I care for myself, the better I am able to meet my life's goals, and one of my life's goals is to serve others. Taking care of me helps me to take care of others. Thanks to the comment that pointed out when depression sets in the first thing to go is a desire to take care of yourself. Interesting how having depression take a back seat in my life, I am more willing to take care of myself.
You've inspired another slogan, Ruth!
"The SELF comes first in self-improvement!"
When my DH was hospitalized for three months with flesh eating disease, I was wearing myself out with hospital visits and such. One of the nurses told me to slow down and remember, "If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be there to help him."
I love where your posts are taking us as we head into the new year!
Hugs and love, P/M
Thanks (((P/M))) Hugs to you.
Ooooo! I like that SELF comes first in self-improvement.
IMO the only one you can improve is yourself. :)
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