Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Power of Pause

Yes, you read that correctly.  Today I am sharing the power of pause.  One of the things that both my major abusers did to keep me hopping was instantaneous obedience to what ever they asked me to do.  No time to think it through.  No time to consider my options.  Obedience at once with no questions asked.  Life felt frantic and off balanced all the time. 

I brought this frantic life style into my marriage.  I worked and struggled constantly.  I was exhausted...I was beyond exhausted.  When I entered counseling, my counselor noticed how frantic I seemed all the time.  He would instruct me to breath and slow down.  He encouraged me to take time to think things over, consider my options, decide if I actually wanted or needed to do what I am being asked to do.  This was so counter to what I was taught as a child. 

Stop and smell the flowers....really.  In the grocery story that sells flowers, stop by the counter where they sell the flowers and sniff.  Breathe in deeply.  Slow down.  Frustrated on the freeway. Relax.  You can't drive any faster than the person in front of you.  If every one is stop, breathe, listen to your favorite music. Pause. When ever there is a break, take the break, pause, let your mind sort out recent input and events. 

I signed up for a crocheting challenge.  The guy on the video was rattling off instructions, in no time he was ten stitches ahead of me.  I pushed pause.  I caught up to where he was then started the video again.  I took my time.  If I started feeling frantic or off balance push pause and reread the instructions. 

I am working at applying the practice in other things.  If at work they start throwing instructions at me, I set down and start writing notes.  Check in along the way to make sure I wrote down the information correctly.  I noticed when my bosses are healthy, considerate people they don't mind me taking time to write things down and clarify instructions. 

The Power of Pause is me taking back control of my day.  I can't change many situations, rush hour traffic is not at my beck and call, I can decide that my mind set will be.  I can calm my mind.  Wait for my time to go and Breathe.  Breathing is good. 


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