Saturday, July 7, 2018

New perspective on worry

I recently gained a new perspective on worry.  I lived my childhood with worry being a constant.  It simply vibrated from the walls of our house.  If I couldn't think of something to worry about a whole list would be given to me. Perfectionism and worry and efficiency all were dosed to us daily.  Flylady helped me to see that perfectionism was a distortion of self improvement.

Efficiency long ago bit the dust when I realized it was NOT my goal in life to be the most efficient person in the World.  Just because my mother obsessed about it, did not mean I needed to buy into the manic pursuit of efficiency.

Worry is hard to shake.  Main reason is when I worried about something I would prepare myself for the possibility.  I learned along the way that people that didn't worry quite often don't plan...Of course I was raised on "If you fail to plan you plan to fail."  Any who.....I gained some new perspective and shared it on my other blog.

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