Saturday, January 26, 2019

Grey Rock method

Grey (or Gray) rock method of dealing with narcissistic people. 

I heard about this on Facebook on a post for one of the CPTSD groups I joined.  I wanted to know exactly what they meant.  In my mind, I thought it was similar to dissociation...after watching this video I now know that it is not.  Dissociation is a splitting off of emotions.  Where as grey rock is a deliberate choice in how to treat another human being for my optimum goal of them deciding to leave me alone.  I like that grey rock is my choice, my decision of how I am going to behave in a toxic situation.  A narcissistic personality is looking for the buzz of drama and excitement of confrontation.  Take that away, they will go looking somewhere else to meet their needs.  What I thought was interesting that he pointed out that the change needs to be gradual, otherwise the interpret the sudden change as drama.  Slowly withdrawing and giving them less and less of what they need, my emotional reaction.

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