Monday, May 27, 2019

Pooh and friends

Love Eeyore.  They invite Eeyore along.  Accept that Eeyore is sad and don't expect him to turn into Tigger.  Somewhere along the line Eeyore is now unacceptable.  People would tell Pooh to ditch Eeyore because he will drag you down.  Fortunately Pooh is oblivious of the fact that Eeyore is any kind of a problem. To Pooh, Eeyore is his friend.  Full stop end of story. 

When did grieving become and illness?  When did sad become a crime?  When did emotions become taboo?  Then people can't understand where all this "mental illness" is coming from. 

Humans are emotional creatures.  From the time we are born we express those emotions from an all out wail to soft chuckles.  Parents around the World delight in bringing a happy smile to their baby's face.  Slowly over time expressing those emotions become a "Bad Thing."

Many of my difficulties centered on my inability to feel my emotions.  It is hard to be caring when you don't feel anything at all.  I worked at cutting off my emotions.  They only leaked out occasionally and were rapidly squashed.  I was trained to deny my emotions.  No small wonder why I became emotionally wounded and sp
lit.  I couldn't be their "happy little girl" if I expressed the deep sadness I was feeling.  I was teased for crying, punished for being upset or sad, accused of being a bigger sinner if I got angry about how I was treated....the list went on until I cut off my emotions.  Not that is sad. 

A World without emotions is Gray.....lots of gray or if in England, grey. 

I know a bunch about gray. 

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