Thursday, October 7, 2010

New weekly scripture

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for indue season we shall reap, if we faint not.

The bamboo video illustrates this so well in an earlier post.  I started counseling with the idea that it was a summer project.  I had no idea what I was facing.  Then, I thought it would be a year.  Then, I realized that I needed to do more research and started finding times for integration like 14 years, 8 years, and for me 5 years just like the bamboo.  Then after integration there is still behaviors to learn that everybody else took 18 years to learn if you count from birth to adulthood.  There are also those that choose not to learn anything and stay at some level that is comfortable for them.  They give up.
The more I learn, the more confident I feel.  After 7 years in counseling I am starting to reap some of the rewards for a lot of hard work.  I appreciate KavinCoach's patience in reteaching me how to live.  I appreciate his encouragement when I wanted to give up.  With long term projects, there are plenty of times when I simply wanted to give up and not try so hard any more.  Bamboo and integration 'in due season' means a lot longer than a year.    

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